Sunday 31 July 2011

Lego Transformers Bumble Bee Camaro replica actually transforms Read more: Lego Transformers Bumble Bee Camaro replica actually transforms - GadgetLite - Latest gadgets and technology news Brought to you by

Our very highest regards go to Wes Pitter who is the creator and designer of this amazing Lego masterpiece. The Lego made yellow Camaro you see below took Wes two years of his spare time to assemble, this wasn’t because he had difficulty putting together the car but as you will probably appreciate, its not easy to put together bricks that can transform and take shape of a completely different from, without having to dissemble it.

The transformation might not be a pretty process, as Wes himself admits, but the end result is just outstanding. It is hard enough to create Lego models as it is, but to create exact replicas that also transform to perfection into a completely different form is mastery at its very best. Check out the gallery below, for more details do click on the source link at the bottom.

JediBot can duel with lightsabers against human opponents Read more: JediBot can duel with lightsabers against human opponents - GadgetLite - Latest gadgets and technology news Brought to you by

Almost every day we see another new robot that can do something amazing, and after creepy robot band, we have something special for all Star Wars fans.

We have to mention that this robot isn’t C-3PO or R2-D2, instead, this robot is quite unique and it’s called JediBot. Students from Stanford are apparently great fans of Star Wars moves, and they have created a robot that all Star Wars fans are going to love.
JediBot is the first robot, or robot arm to be precise, that will actually duel with you using lightsabers. Of course, since lightsabers don’t exist in real world, this robot is using sabers made out of foam. We have to mention that this robot has two modes: attacking and defending. In attacking mode, the robot will swing its saber at you using preloaded patterns, while in defending mode, robot utilizes Kinect motion controllers to detect the position of a saber and block any incoming attacks.
JediBot has a lot to offer to Star Wars fans, and we hope that we’ll see an enhanced version of it in near future.

BiPod: World’s first hybrid-electric flying car?BiPod: World’s first hybrid-electric flying car?

I’m sure that you’ll have seen all sorts of flying cars in movies, but flying cars might not be that far from reality after all. Today we have a hybrid-electric vehicle that can travel on the ground and in the air, this I believe is a first.

This hybrid-electric vehicle is called BiPod, and it is designed by Burt Rutan, a famous engineer that was behind many amazing aircrafts such as Ansari X-Prize-winning SpaceShipOne. Burt’s latest project, BiPod, is the one of a kind electric vehicle, that comes with two fuselages that are equipped with electrically driven wheels and propellers, along with batteries that are in charge of powering the vehicle’s propulsion and systems.
In addition, this aircraft comes with 450cc internal-combustion engines, with one in each fuselage. As for flying abilities, BiPod didn’t achieve any special latitude, mostly because its still in an early stage of development.

First robot band looks and sounds creepy

Over the years, robots have proven that they can do all sorts of human things, such as playing instruments, and although instrument-playing robots aren’t anything new, a robot band surely is.
This robot band doesn’t include any humanoid robots and it focuses mostly on playing the music. As for the music, this robot band can play a perfect rendition on Marilyn Manson’s The Beautiful People song. This robot band is called EOL, that stands for End Of Life, and so far, this band consists of electric guitar, drums and even flatbed scanner that probably produces keyboard-like noises, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t see more instruments in the future. As for the performance, we have to admit that it sounds both amazing and creepy at the same time.
Despite the all the creepiness of this band, we have to congratulate the person that has managed to put all of this together, and we’re hoping to see more songs in the future.

DIY geekiness: Hand-mounted laser can blind you and burn your skin Read more: DIY geekiness: Hand-mounted laser can blind you and burn your skin - GadgetLite - Latest gadgets and technology news Brought to you by

If you’re a fan of lasers and DIY projects we have a special treat for you, the first hand-mounted laser, that resembles to the laser from Iron Man movies.

This DIY project is made by Patrick Priebe, an Iron Man fan, and according to him, his hand-mounted laser can blind people instantly, and it can even burn your skin. As for the parts, Patrick Priebe used a 1,000-mw 445nm laser diode that is available commercially. Besides this laser, he also used 2mm sheet made out of brass so he can nicely position entire device on his hand. Besides holding the device on his hand, this brass sheet also works as a heat sink, which means that this laser can be used continually for three minutes. After that, cool down is required or you’ll get your hand burned.
This DIY is interesting, and although it has a few flaws, it still works rather well. Luckily, Patrick didn’t leave any instructions on how to create more of these lasers.

HP Mobile Health Monitoring Solution checks your blood pressure in real time Read more: HP Mobile Health Monitoring Solution checks your blood pressure in real time - GadgetLite - Latest gadgets and technology news Brought to you by

You’re probably familiar with computers and mobile devices from HP, but did you know that HP is also working on medical devices? Today we have a medical device from this company called HP Mobile Health Monitoring Solution.

Read more: HP Mobile Health Monitoring Solution checks your blood pressure in real time - GadgetLite - Latest gadgets and technology news
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HP Mobile Health Monitoring Solution went to a testing process in cooperation with Singaporean telco SingTel and according to HP, this device can measure your blood pressure or CASP, central aortic systolic pressure in real time. Of course, HP worked hard to make this device accurate, and this device should be accurate as measurement that is done via surgical procedure, thanks to the non-invasive BPro EVBP Technology as well as proprietary algorithms. Besides the ability to check their blood pressure at all times, HP will allow remote monitoring of its patients via cellular network, so you won’t have to visit your doctor to check your blood pressure.
HP Mobile Health Monitoring Solution can make your life a bit simpler and easier, especially if you’re concerned about your health, but so far, we don’t have any additional information about this device.